TRINA Ar-Rass Tracker Check

sbp sonne was commissioned to analyse the PV tracker designed by TrinaSolar for its load-bearing capacity and functionality for use in the Solar Energy Park in Ar Raas, Saudi Arabia.
For this purpose, reference calculations for the different tracker types had to be prepared, component verifications carried out and details checked. The determination of the wind loads was checked and the wind tunnel tests used were to be analysed for their applicability. The load approaches, based on the pressure coefficients, as well as the dynamic behaviour were evaluated taking into account the natural frequencies and damping ratios. The testing was carried out in accordance with the tried and tested German testing system, which offers reliable control and guarantees independence by applying the dual control principle.

Ar Rass, Qassim region
Alf Oschatz


Technical Data

PV capacity
700 MW
Solar field area
57,6 km²


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