
In a feasibility study for the Stadtwerke Stuttgart, the possibility of a PV system for the newly created vineyard at the Römerkastell was examined. Several variants were to be compared with each other. There were various requirements for the supporting structure. For example, it had to be designed in such a way that different modules could be flexibly attached and (partial) mechanical harvesting was possible. In addition, the landscape of the vineyard should be impaired as little as possible, but still achieve the greatest possible solar sustainability effect.
The aim of the study is to examine the design of the supporting structure and its implementation in terms of construction and building law. Static concepts are to be developed and the dimensions determined. The planning principles of the system are defined by the requirements of the vines.

Stadtwerke Stuttgart
Alf Oschatz


Technical Data

Total length
350 m
Total width
70 m
Slope inclination
30 °
Main spans in both directions
6 m - 10 m
Column height
3 m - 3,50 m
Degree of shading


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